Wednesday, September 16, 2020

IAI's Golan Heights Legacy Center

Based in Golan Heights, Israel, Dalton Thomas is the founder and president of Frontier Alliance International, which he founded in 2011 in response to the Arab Spring. Dalton Thomas is also the co-founder of Maranatha, a global fellowship of churches and ministries, and Israel Alliance International.

A branch of Frontier Alliance International, Israel Alliance International (IAI) is based in Golan Heights, an area in northern Israel rich in history stretching from the days of Joshua to the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars. To honor this history and build a better future, IAI is developing a Golan Heights Legacy Center.

Israel regained the Golan Heights area after the Six-Day War, and since then the region has been built up and enjoyed a peaceful sense of quiet. The IAI’s Golan Heights Legacy Center, which will be built in an old Syrian army building, will also work to build a better neighborhood. The center will serve as the headquarters for IAI’s media and communications messaging and serve as a tourist destination for those who venture north. Visitors will gain a clearer understanding of the complicated relationship between Israel and the Arab World.

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